Well, you'll just have to use your imagination as to where the shot was taken on Harbour Island. Safe to say S.I. knows a good beach when they see one. (Now, now...)
I haven't had the chance to run up to Barnes & Noble's rack to look-see if there are any other beach shots that might give away an exact location. But frankly, it doesn't matter because I've seen the whole beach and one part of it is just as hip as any other -- it's all a knock out -- and it deserved to be the backdrop for the '06 cover.
So you don't get the wrong impression, and if you haven't been to Harbour Island, the beach goers keep their tops on at all times -- they're there for the pink beach -- mostly.
Hat's off to Raphael Mazzucco for the bomb snap. You got it!
Update: S.I. On Location on Harbour Island
Visit Harbour Island Bahamas
Copyright © 2005 Perry Joseph
hey, thanks for stopping by my site. i had an AMAZING time in harbour island. i'm so sad to be back. anyway, i put up a lot of my photos on my blog if you want to check them out! cheers
Thanks Pinknest!
Loved your Harbour Island Trip Report
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